We are unable to scan tickets from a cell phone.  Please ensure you have a paper ticket by choosing one of the available options.

PRINT means that you will be printing your tickets at home. Please make sure to bring your printed ticket with you for scanning purposes. If you would rather have them waiting for you, choose to pick them up and we will print them.

PICKUP means that we will print your tickets for you and they will be waiting for you. If you are planning on bringing your tickets with you, choose to print them at home.

We hold seats for those who need the Deaf Hard of Hearing interpreter for our Friday night show.  If you need these seats, please e-mail pmooney@parkwayschools.net to release those seats for purchase.

Reset Your Password

Please enter your email address below. An email will be sent to you with a temporary password. Use this password to log-in to our system. You will then be asked to reset your password to something more memorable for you.